2013-2014 Appendix

Summary of performance 2013–2014, 27 institutions

Institution Number of requests received (% change from previous reporting period) Completion rate 1 Requests for which more than 1,000 pages were processed 2 Requests completed within 30 days Proportion of requests closed past the statutory deadline 3 Proportion of requests closed past the statutory deadline:
score 4
Average number of days to complete a request 5 Requests for which all information was disclosed
AANDC 556 (-14.2%) 89.19% 13.82% 62.97% 0 A 53 19.80%
CBC 159 (+3.25%) 81.48% 6.38% 57.14% 0.65% A 42 11.04%
CBSA 4,671 (+48.43%) 77.56% 1.85% 76.86% 9.17% B 44.5 54.60%
CFIA 284 (-29.88%) 63.64% 5.98% 35.16% 47.25% F 169 13.19%
CIC 29,281 (+17.08%) 89.85% 0.17% 67.20% 13.91% C 36 33.36%
CPC 109 (+3.81%) 87.30% 7.29% 67.27% 0.91% A 36.8 20.91%
CRA 2,751 (-12.3%) 82.52% 10.29% 48.05% 11.77% C N/A 17.07%
CSC 630 (-19.75%) 77.25% 1.41% 66.67% 8.41% B 50.9 22.33%
CSIS 903 (+85.04%) 95.02% 4.95% 84.28% 1.20% A 26 0.11%
DFATD 1,159 (+0.96%) 72.15% 3.65% 33.80% 36.74% F 132 9.77%
DFO 417 (-23.77%) 68.10% 13.49% 46.35% 17.38% D 104 16.62%
DND 2,231 (+9.15%) 79.79% 2.52% 41.55% 9.42% B 79.9 24.29%
EC 1,459 (-20.14%) 86.46% 3.18% 75.42% 12.36% C N/A 9.06%
ESDC 861 (+15.42%) 85.58% 3.03% 47.96% 9.33% B N/A 26.07%
Fin 547 (+10.51%) 87.61% 2.75% 56.72% 8.03% B 39 9.77%
HC 1,563 (-11.44%) 67.32% 3.63% 48.48% 24.27% F 130 13.49%
IC 857 (+15.65%) 90.29% 4.44% 60% 5.32% B N/A 7.28%
JUS 548 (+59.77%) 82.37% 7.89% 71.97% 9.85% B 65 14.20%
LAC 877 (-2.56%) 88.86% 11.78% 67.46% 4.43% A N/A 33.41%
NRCan 689 (-10.40%) 77.93% 2.18% 49.78% 2.04% A 77 20.88%
PCO 907 (+16.28%) 73.31% 1.56% 50.52% 2.20% A 70 2.07%
PHAC 130 (-29.73%) 81.22% 2.46% 54.34% 36.99% F 92 18.50%
PS 465 (-5.87%) 94.11% 10.76% 68.50% 2.28% A 75 6.83%
PWGSC 718 (-11.36%) 82.97% 7.75% 41.67% 10.63% C 105 17.87%
RCMP 1,730 (+42.04%) 73.19% 4.06% 29.31% 65.01% Red alert 173 12.02%
TBS 578 (+92.03%) 88.24% 4.33% 73.36% 2.31% A N/A 10.48%
TC 1,091 (-50.3%) 82.56% 2.83% 24.58% 4.63% A 179 11.98%
All institutions 60,105 (+8.99%) 83.96% N/A 60.97% 14.02% C N/A 26.82%


Footnote 1

The completion rate represents the number of requests completed divided by the total number of requests in inventory (new requests received and requests carried over from the previous year). The completion rate is especially useful because it gives an idea of an institution’s backlog and of its performance for the next reporting period.

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Footnote 2

This includes requests completed for which the information was disclosed (in total or in part), exempted/excluded, and for abandoned requests. It excludes the following categories of completed requests: no records exist, requests transferred and requests treated informally.

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Footnote 3

The proportion of requests completed past the statutory deadline is the proportion of requests completed during the year after the 30-day or extended deadline has passed, including requests carried over from the previous year. It does not include overdue requests that are still open at the end of the reporting period.

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Footnote 4

The grade is based on the rating scale in the Commissioner’s 2007–2008 report cards: A=0–5 percent; B=5–10 percent; C=10–15 percent; D=15–20 percent; and F=more than 20 percent. “Red alert” is reserved for very high proportion of requests completed past the statutory deadline.

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Footnote 5

The average number of days to complete a request is based on the responses given by the institutions to the parliamentary written question 485.

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