2014-2015 Definitions of performance indicators

Average number of pages processed per request closed

The total number of pages processed divided by the total number of requests, as provided in first and third columns of table 2.5.1 of the statistical report, respectively. Please note that requests completed for the following dispositions are excluded from this calculation: no records exist, requests transferred and requests treated informally.

Percentage of requests for which more than 1,000 pages were processed

The number of requests for which more than 1,000 pages were processed divided by the total number of requests, as provided in table 2.5.2 of the statistical report. Please note that requests completed for the following dispositions are excluded from this calculation: no records exist, requests transferred and requests treated informally.

Completion rate

The number of requests closed during the reporting period divided by the total number of requests in inventory (received and outstanding from previous reporting period), as provided in table 1.1 of the statistical report.

Percentage of requests closed within 30 days

The number of requests closed within 30 days divided by the number of requests closed during the reporting period, as provided in table 2.1 of the statistical report.

Percentage of requests closed past statutory or extended deadline

The number of requests closed past the statutory pr extended deadline, as provided in table 2.6.1 of the statistical report divided by the number of requests closed during the report period. Please note that this proportion differs from the deemed refusal rate used during the OIC’s previous report cards, as it only looks at requests closed late during the reporting period.

Percentage of consultations from government institution closed within 30 days

The number of consultations that required 30 days or less to complete divided by the total number of consultations completed, as provided in table 5.2 of the statistical report.

Percentage of extensions of 30 days or less

The number of extensions for 30 days or less divided by the total number of extensions taken during the reporting period, as provided in table 3.2 of the statistical report.

Percentage of pages processed that were disclosed

The total number of pages disclosed divided by the total number of pages processed, as provided in the second and first columns of table 2.5.1 of the statistical report, respectively.

Percentage of requests closed for which the information was disclosed entirely

The number of requests closed for which all the information was disclosed divided by the total number of requests closed during the reporting period, as provided in table 2.1 of the statistical report.

Percentage of pages disclosed entirely

The number of pages disclosed under the disposition “all disclosed” divided by the total number of pages disclosed, as provided in the second column of table 2.5.1 of the statistical report.

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