2008-2009 Review of resources

We undertook a comprehensive review of our resources to determine whether they were sufficient for us to be able to deliver on our mandate. In particular, we assessed our capacity to eliminate the inventory of complaints by the end of 2009–2010, to tackle the significant increase in the number of complaints we have been receiving since 2007–2008 and to respond to the need to strengthen accountability and compliance in accordance with the Federal Accountability Act, government-wide policy renewal and other initiatives. The results of the review clearly showed that we need to augment our resource base.

Based on the results of the review, we submitted our request to the Advisory Panel on the Funding and Oversight of Officers of Parliament and to the Treasury Board Secretariat. At year-end, a final decision on resource levels was awaiting Treasury Board’s decision.

During the year, we also did an extensive re-allocation of our office space to accommodate current and future staff.


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